Thursday, November 09, 2006

Road Runner - feh

Well after my previous venting about the forced switch to Time-Warner Road Runner service, I've made at least a little progress with things. I sent an email to their tech support, explaining to them my problems with email (via Outlook) and webmail. This was done from the office during my lunch break. Later that same day, I get home and magically Outlook is working again. Oh wonders of wonder! No response, no confirmation of receiving my email - but hey, at least one part now works!

The situation with their webmail logon and interface seems to have improved, but it still does the oddball thing about not accepting my username after the timeout period has passed - and only letting me in if I use my email address as my username... well, not all the time, but some of the time - and never when I think it's going to do it. Frustrating!

All right, that's enough venting for now.

This entry wishes he had gotten a pony for Easter.

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