Saturday, September 10, 2005

Wise words

I read a poem today that sparked my mind.

How many things in our life do we do this to? How often do we take things and over-complicate them, thinking that we can do it better? I know I'm guilty of doing this many times over. Sometimes the best thing one can do is just leave things alone.

Jessica Stover's site is a cool place that I check out daily. If not for something profound or encouraging, I find humor and introspection. Check it out when you get a chance, you might be surprised.

This entry brought to you by my complicated and bewildering mind, or something.


Quinn said...

I like it...
It's like an artist's curse is it not? it sometimes takes as much creativity to know when something is complete and to leave it alone. I think we all do it to some extent.

BuzzKill said...

The strange thing is that I don't usually care for poetry.

Anonymous said...

Ah, glad someone liked that entry. Maybe one day I'll be a "real" poet. (Whatever that means.)