Sunday, September 10, 2006

If u die

So after my earlier boring post, my friend Christine reminded me of one of the funnier things that happened during the drive yesterday.

We ate lunch at Pea Soup Andersons and as usual I ordered the Travelers Special. This is a meal of unlimited beverage, bread, and their signature split pea soup. I wasn't especially hungry, so I only ate 3 bowls of soup on this visit. After the meal we got the bill and I was quite surprised by what the waiter had written on it...

(click image for larger view)

Call me crazy, but that looks an awful lot like "If u die." It seemed a bit disturbing at first, but quickly became rather funny after Christine guessed that the last word was probably "diet" which made sense because I was drinking iced tea ("It" not "If"), Rece had a vanilla shake ("V" not "U"), and Christine ordered a Diet Coke ("diet" not "die."). We were quite relieved, as you could probably imagine.

This post was made possible by a clairvoyant waiter with poor handwriting.

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