Sunday, September 17, 2006

Riding the cyclone

This weekend was Rece's 12th birthday. We ended up going to Wild Rivers with some friends and had a blast! After the wet and wild fun, we came back home to shower - then went right back out to have more fun at Boomers in Fountain Valley. Afterwards we went to Marie Callender's for some pie (in lieu of birthday cake). Rece seemed to really be enjoying himself and it was nice to see him so happy on his special day.

With the start of school, I'm beginning to also see the start of some challenges for Rece. With ADD, he's already got a lot to work around in respect to maintaining focus and on-task with school. While I'm not too worried about him in the classroom, my biggest concern is his homework. He's already starting some bad habits that I'm hoping to help him unravel and get on track. Now that he's with me full-time, he'll have more stability and the ability to form some consistency in his work habits.

This week is already starting to look very busy for the both of us. Monday he's starting his second round of karate lessons and that's going to be something he needs to manage into his system without it getting in the way of school. For his birthday I got him guitar lessons, which I won't allow him to start until he's done with karate and doing well with school. I admit that I feel a little bit of guilt for hinging a gift on his performance, but at this point I need every tool that I have at my disposal to get him to do what he needs to do.

Wish me luck!

This entry wants the best for his son in all aspects of life!

1 comment:

Quinn said...

Happy Birthday to Rece. 12 years old already, they do grow fast!