Thursday, September 08, 2005


Rece made a video this past weekend that I forgot to post about here (seeing as how some readers don't visit my site unless my blog points them there). I'm proud of his efforts and it made for a very cute and funny movie.

Rece and my dad's 3 year-old adopted daughter were playing around while my dad's wife was filming them with a digital camera. I briefly showed Rece how to edit the movies on the computer and he really got creative with the footage. The results speak for themselves:

Battle (Windows Media format)

I only made a couple minor modifications, one cut for pacing, another for funny effect, and then helped him with the credits at the end. The concept, flow and editing were all Rece's doing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

This entry brought to you by The Pirate Monkeys.


Quinn said...

LOL! I saw that video the other day on your's pretty good...Like father, like son, ey?

Anonymous said...

Terrifying, absolutely terrifying. It's like something out of Tarantino's early years. I weep for the yoots of today.
