Thursday, December 15, 2005

Speaking of new products...

Rece just finished his homework (yeah, at 8:45 pm - ahem) and it's got to be some of the funniest shit I've read from him yet! His assignment was to come up with an advertisement for 2 products (made up or otherwise). They were both funny, but the one I liked best read as follows...

New from Maybotsew Pharmaceuticals, it's the Dorm-a-tron. Here's what some one said about it. "I've tried everything, but I just couldn't keep those extra 200 pounds down, and it was starting to affect my marriage. Then I found the Dorm-a-tron. Using a new technology to help me lose weight. You just strap on the Dorm-a-tron, put on the High Voltage Helmet, turn them on, and then you can have a perfect night's sleep while you lose weight."

This entry was brought to you by a High Voltage Helmet!

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