Tuesday, May 23, 2006

On global warming... again

Believe me, I'm not trying to say that global temperatures aren't rising, but I have a difficult time believing that our burning of fossil fuels is the biggest factor in it. Here's an article that argues against the commonly accepted notion that our actions are the sole reason for the global increase in temperature and says that while CO2 levels might be a contributing factor, the sun itself is actually hotter. Nothing we do here affects the sun.

We've only recently (relative to history) been able to track changes in things like this. Such short-sighted analysis of what amounts to a blip in the timeline of the history of the planet doesn't seem right to me.

This entry doesn't believe that the sky is falling or that we're ruining the planet.

1 comment:

Quinn said...

I totally agree. Global warming may or may not exist but what seems certain is that we simply do not have enough research and information to determine one way or the other.