Monday, July 17, 2006

Going backwards

I'll be posting about my vacation last week later tonight, but in the meantime I just felt the need to vent about my work situation.

Since I've started working here, I've received a small increase of pay at the beginning of every year. It was linked to performance to a good degree, which is to be expected. What was nice about this increase was that at minimum it helped adjust my pay against inflation, but usually it was more than just that - which meant positive growth.

We also used to receive regular work-related training/education paid for so our skills were kept current. With the inevitable upgrades and changes in software and technology, we did at least a minimum to keep up with things. This also helped maintain our value in the marketplace.

I haven't been to a training class for over 2 years now. We're using software that I'm no longer trained for, which means having to learn it on my own - often through some trial and error. I'm a smart guy, but I can't help but wonder if there are better methods to accomplish things or if I'm missing some key steps or information while doing my work. It's a constant source of frustration.

I got back from vacation while our first checks came in after the new fiscal year (when I'd notice an increase, if one was given) and checked to see what the increase was for this year. Nada. I'm still making the same as last year. So if you take inflation and the increase in gas prices into account, I'm effectively making less this year than last - and my marketable skills aren't as current as they should be. This isn't a good position to be in.

So now I need to take a hard look at whether or not a change is in order. If I stay here and things continue like this, I'll be worse off as time goes on. Sure the year didn't pan out as we had hoped, but the position I'm in has no way of controlling how well we do - unless I don't do my job and people in the building are unable to get out and raise money.

My job isn't glamorous or in the public eye, I don't get much attention for what I do - it's a behind the scenes support position. If I'm getting a lot of attention, it's usually because something isn't working right. People are able to do what they need to do on their comptuers if I'm doing my job. I've done my part of the deal, as always, and even go beyond it with additional help with all sorts of things as needed - plus some new tools and functionality to provide even more ways for staff to stay or be more productive.

What all this rambling and ranting comes down to is that I feel a bit used and unappreciated. I know I do a good job and that I do it well. We'll see if the turnover increases in the near future in response to this with other staff that might feel the same way. To me this is a case of being penny-wise, but pound foolish. Something has got to give.

This entry just wants what's fair.


Anonymous said...

I hear ya. In the same boat. You're very good at what you do and I think you won't have a problem finding something - should you choose to look.

Quinn said...

You havn't seemed like you've been all that happy there recently though anyway dude, maybe this is a good indication it's time move on, ya know?

Anonymous said...

Gabe would easily find a better job so he needs to get off his slacker ass and hand over his resume! C'mon Geek Boi, get to it already! This crap place has already drained EIGHT years of your life! Go take some classes to update your skills and stop bitching about it! ;D