Monday, July 31, 2006

Holy Bacon Smacker, Batman!

A week without a post. What's up with that? Last week turned out to be pretty busy at work. Some other things were taking up my time as well. Got my resume back in order, thanks to the help of a friend, and sent it out to a company. They called me for an interview, which I'll be going to soon. I haven't been on an interview in over 8.5 years, so this seems rather strange to me. Wish me luck!

The heat and humidity has been awful lately. My apartment is a huge mess, but I can't get myself motivated to clean it - it's just too damned hot! So I've been vegging out a lot, just trying not to move much so I don't make myself hotter. It's no fun to be sweating while just sitting there. I've gone out Geocaching at night with some friends, which is nice. At least it gets me out of my apartment!

Yes, I whine about the heat quite a bit. Put me out in 50°F in just jeans and a t-shirt and I love it, but when the temperature gets above 80°F, I'm a big baby. Why am I in California again?

One thing that's been a problem for me is sleep: no matter how much sleep I get, it's a restless type of sleep where I wake up over and over, sweaty and hot. So I've felt like the walking dead more often, lately. It doesn't help when I haven't been very active (because of the heat), either. Anyhow, that's the end of my rant about the heat...

This entry was brought to you by cool mountain air, a snow-capped peak, and a chilly natural spring.

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