Wednesday, August 23, 2006

pounding mountain Thai

I've found some wacky subject titles and sender names while dealing with our spam mailbox at my office. Some are downright crude, while others make no sense at all... some just seem to have something magical about them. Today I've decided to start saving some of these or using them in odd places (like this blog title).

This brings up an interesting topic that sometimes comes up with friends after I make a post: What the hell did that blog title mean?

Sometimes it's from a conversation with a friend, turning into an inside joke. If the topic I'm writing about relates to that person (or persons) I might use that as a little something to make them smile. Other times it's just random stuff that relates to absolutely nothing... and now, some of them will be spam titles and the likes. So there ya go!

This entry now realizes that even dynamite, let alone a jackhammer, will do him abolutely no good.

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