Shannon found the rabbits to be hysterical. I enjoyed the innuendo and inside jokes (for Wallace & Gromit fans). Rece enjoyed seeing "Hutch" (the character pictured on the bottom-left) act like Wallace.

This entry brought to you by cheese!
The adventures of a boy and his pet peacock. BuzzKill (AKA Gabe) will serve as guide and bathroom attendant on your journey though time and ferrets. The universe will suddenly make complete sense and you'll begin to inexplicably crave pie.
you know, I rather liked the penguin "Christmas Caper" short better than I liked W&G which was too bad because I was so looking forward to just loving the daylights out of it. I liked it, of course, but maybe it was a little too droll for me. Favorite part: when the pit bull pulls out his change purse.
(who notices you never comment on her work blog and secretly hates you for it)
That was a great movie! I am listening to the soundtrack right now!odxcza
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