Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Ultimate Showdown

In my ever-continuing search for online entertainment, I found this entertaining Flash cartoon called The Ultimate Showdown. I found it funny, so I thought I'd share it with the world - or at least the 5 or 6 people that I know read my blog from time to time... Hi mom!

Speaking of blog readers; I'm curious as to who actually reads my blog. I know The Mighty Quinn does, Rhiannon used to (don't know if she still does), "Guess who" does, my mom does from time to time, a couple of friends from work... but I don't know who else. So if you read my blog, please drop me a comment and just say hello or something. You don't even have to use your real name.

This entry was brought to you by bloggers anonymous.


Anonymous said...

I read it too!

BuzzKill said...

Well, that helps a lot.

Quinn said...

Both Boo and I read your blog...

Butt kicking for goodness!

ryddler said...

Well, since I know you have one (ala the post at SQC), I'll probably stop by from time to time!