Thursday, February 09, 2006

Geek humor

My boss just sent me the following email:

A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says
਍ℼ佄呃偙⁅呈䱍倠䉕䥌 ⁃ⴢ⼯㍗⽃䐯䑔䠠䵔⁌⸴‰牔湡楳楴湯污⼯久•ാ㰊呈䱍ാऊ䠼䅅㹄਍उ琼瑩敬䐾瑥楡剬灥牯㱴琯瑩敬ാऊ㰉敭慴渠浡㵥䜢久剅呁剏•潃瑮湥㵴䴢捩潲潳瑦嘠獩慵 瑓摵潩⸠䕎⁔⸷∱ാऊ㰉敭慴渠浡㵥䌢䑏彅䅌䝎䅕䕇•潃瑮湥㵴䌢∣ാऊ㰉敭慴渠浡㵥瘢彳敤慦汵䍴楬湥却牣灩≴挠湯整瑮∽慊慶捓楲瑰㸢਍उ洼瑥⁡慮敭∽獶瑟牡 敧却档浥≡挠湯整瑮∽瑨灴⼺猯档浥獡洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯椯瑮汥楬敳獮⽥敩∵ാऊ㰉楬歮栠敲㵦栢瑴㩰⼯浩条獥牥敶⹲敭獳条汥扡⹳潣⽭浩条獥牥敶⽲汰浵牴敥振浯潭 ⽮異汢捩振獳洯楡獮祴敬汣敩瑮敮⵴湥挮獳ഢऊउ祴数∽整瑸振獳•敲㵬猢祴敬桳敥≴ാऊ⼼䕈䑁ാऊ戼摯⁹卍偟协呉佉䥎䝎∽片摩慌潹瑵㸢਍उ昼牯慮敭∽潆浲 ∱洠瑥潨㵤瀢獯≴愠瑣潩㵮䐢瑥楡剬灥牯⹴獡硰刿灥慎敭匽慰䑭瑥楡♬浡㭰啩敳䥲㵤呍祅呎㍅愦灭椻畃瑳浯牥摉䴽杪䴰䵪☽浡㭰慤整㴱〲㘰〭ⴲ㈰ご㨰〰〺娰愦灭搻 瑡㉥㈽〰ⴶ㈰〭吸㌲㔺㨹㤵♚浡㭰潤慭湩䄽汬愦灭攻畓㵢汁♬浡㭰呥㵯汁♬浡㭰䙥潲㵭汁♬浡㭰䵤瑥潨㵤汁♬浡㭰䑩浯楡䥮㵤∰椠㵤䘢牯ㅭ㸢਍椼灮瑵琠灹㵥栢摩敤 ≮渠浡㵥弢噟䕉南䅔䕔•慶畬㵥搢睄䵸捔乺䕔伵䵔伳獺伫摯晰瑩䑰嘯㥍坪牯畹䉘䅡娵㐱∽⼠ാഊऊउ琼扡敬眠摩桴∽〱┰•污杩㵮挢湥整≲ാऊउ㰉牴ാऊउउ琼⁤ 污杩㵮挢湥整≲瘠污杩㵮洢摩汤≥栠楥桧㵴㠢〳㸢਍उउउ

Well, all the question marks were actually those little boxes you sometimes see when an invalid character can't be displayed. Anywho, I thought it was hella funny.

This entry was brought to you by ≲ാऊउ㰉牴ാऊउउ琼.

Edit to add: After reading this on my home computer, I see that it was partially made up of some Asian language, so you may see Asian characters instead of just question marks or boxes on your computer.

1 comment:

Quinn said...

hahahaha I got it...