Thursday, June 29, 2006

But I don't like worms...

Managed to get up an hour early this morning and didn't realize it until I was ready to go to work. Since I had the time, I decided to create another video log. Fun stuff.

Okay, now I'm off to get me some breakfast!

This entry hit the snooze button one too many times.


Quinn said...

Hey man, I don't know why youTube always seems to cut off the end so short but you might want to try and edit in some extra space at the end to anticipate that happening.
Just a suggestion :)

Anonymous said...

Hey dude... Ms Anonymous here again... please please for all of us, drink a cup of coffee before you do that again. Your lips are slower than your vocal cords... one feels like in an old Godzilla movie!... or was that on purpose and I once more don't get the joke?

BuzzKill said...

Anonymous... erm... Carmen... sometimes the sync is off between audio and video. It seems to happen at random, but I don't know how to fix it. Though your "old Godzilla movie" does give me an idea for a future video.