Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I knew going in that it was something that I shouldn't have looked at. Yep, I went to yet another site where you can look up your pay as compared to others in the same field of work and in your area. Apparently I'm making $10-13K less per year than the average salary for what I do in this area. If I were to factor in the 5-10% drop to be expected for the non-profit sector, I'm still at least $6K per year under the average.

I'm not happy about this - both for the fact I feel taken advantage of and that I checked it out in the first place.

Turnover here is pretty high, even higher this year. There's something wrong when unemployment is still pretty high and yet people are managing to find jobs to walk away from here with.

Gah... why did I have to look? WHY!?

This entry apparently needs a new job.

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